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  • Writer's pictureNeocleous Lab

Summer: Illnesses that get worse

#health problems that get worse in #summer.

Summer #viruses can cause #stomachache combined with #respiratory problems.

In the warm months, the #inflammation_of_the_skin worsens, characterized by redness and #rash.

The motor neurons of the legs undergo changes during the summer, increasing the chances of night #cramp.

Besides #heat and #humidity, summer means sweat, chlorine and sunscreen.

Levels of #air pollution and cloudiness are elevated in summer, making #asthma sufferers suffer even more.

An increase in temperature by 9 degrees also increases the frequency of #migraines.

By drinking plenty of water and reducing exercise, we can reduce the symptoms, while for the most vulnerable groups, confinement at home is necessary on hot days.

Neocleus Clinical Laboratories

Diagnostic clinical centers Limassol

#gesi GeSY - Health Insurance Organization

Neocleous Lab

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